AIIMS MBBS 2016 - All Indian Institute Of Medical science
AIIMS MBBS Application Form 2016 can be filled by eligible candidates at All India Institute of Medical Sciences is issuing the application form of AIIMS MBBS 2016. Candidates can submit the online application form for exam to be held on May 29, 2016, after ensuring that he / she satisfies all the eligibility conditions. The AIIMS MBBS Application Form 2016 is to be completed online within the dates prescribed.
This Article Contains Complete details of how to fill the application form of AIIMS MBBS 2016 for the entrance exam, with helpful step by step instructions are given here.
AIIMS MBBS 2016 Latest Updates:
Click Here to Apply Online - AIIMS MBBS 2016
Specification Of Photograph for MBBS 2016 Application form:
- Candidate must scan a recent color passport size photograph with white background.
- Dimension of the photograph must be 3.5 (width) x 4.5 cms (height).
- Photograph for uploading to the form should not be blurred while enlarging it.
- Black and White or Polaroid photographs are NOT acceptable.
- Draw a box having size 3.5 x 4.5cms on a plain white sheet and paste the photograph inside the box and then scan the photograph on 200 dpi. Scan the area having photograph only not the whole sheet.
- Photo should not be taken by mobile phone camera.
Specifications of Signature for AIIMS MBBS 2016 Application Form
- The signature should be with white background.
- Dimension of Signature must be 6 (width) x 3 cms (height).
- It should not be blurred while enlarging it.
- Draw a box having size 6×3 cms (width*height) on a plain white sheet and put the signature inside the box and then scan the signed area on 200 dpi. Scan the area having signature only not the whole sheet.

Mode of payment of fees – Application fee for AIIMS MBBS 2016 Application Form can be paid through credit card, debit card, net banking.
Choice of examination center – Candidates can select the city for examination after submitting the examination fees, on first come first serve basis. They will be able to chose any available city and it will be immediately allotted. The list of states where the exam is being held in computer-based test mode can be seen in the drop down.
Note – The examination center once chosen cannot be changed.
As the seats in respective cities are limited, applicants are advised to register themselves, make payment, Choose city and submit their application format at the earliest without waiting of the last date, to avoid not getting the choice of city.
Important Dates for AIIMS MBBS 2016 Application Form
AIIMS MBBS 2016 Application Form is available from | January 2016 (last week) |
Last date to apply online and submit the form | Date will be announced soon |
Date of MBBS entrance exam | May 29, 2016 |
The AIIMS MBBS entrance exam is conducted for admission to AIIMS Delhi, and other new All India Institutes of Medical Sciences. All the medical aspirants who seek admission, must fill the online application form before last date, and pay application fee. This year, the application form of AIIMS MBBS entrance exam will be available soon.
New Instructions for AIIMS MBBS Application Form 2016 -
Click Here - to read the steps / Process changes in Application Form submission of AIIMS MBBS 2016
"Insofar only the details given above have been officially announced. Rest of the details about AIIMS MBBS Application Form, fees, how to apply, and other information given below are according to last year’s brochure. This information is provided only for reference to let you get an idea of how the application form is obtained, filled and submitted. This process and data are subject to change. As soon as AIIMS MBBS Admission 2016 information brochure is released, new details will be updated."
Application Fees – The AIIMS MBBS application fee details of last year are as follows.
- Application fee was Rs 1000 for UR category candidates and Rs 800 for SC and ST candidates.
Application Form of AIIMS MBBS 2016 will be available at It is expected that the AIIMS MBBS 2016 application form will be released in January 2016.
Apply Online – Link to apply online will be activated at During the process of online registration you will generate your own password. You are advised to keep the password that has been created, confidential till the end of the counseling process/allotment process. Sharing of password can result in its misuse by somebody else.
- There are simple steps involved in the submission of AIIMS MBBS Application Form, namely Registration, Upload images, Payment Slip, Fee payment, Registration slip. Candidate must complete all the steps before the last date.
- It is important to read the information brochure (AIIMS MBBS Prospectus) before filling up the form, and paying application fees.
- Keep ready, soft-copy of your photograph, signature as per AIIMS instructions.
- You should fill your correct basic and academic details like Name, DOB, Address, Category, Contact No., and course etc. subsequently.
- Choose your password between 6-10 characters. Please remember your password and don’t share with others.
No written acknowledgement will be issued for the receipt of the application. However, the candidate can verify application status on after submission. If you see any discrepancy, call on AIIMS MBBS helpline number.
Payment of application fees
- Mode of payment is Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking.
Last year, there was no need not send hard copy of the AIIMS MBBS Application Form to Exam Section, AIIMS. However, it is advisable to keep safely with you, yourself Registration Slip and Candidate copy of Challan Form for future references.
Please note:
- After 1st Step of your registration, you will get an SMS and Email intimating you about your login details. After making payment in SBI bank you will again receive SMS and Email after minimum one day (if not received the SMS/Email after one day then call helpline). After second SMS and Email , login to relevant AIIMS Online form and print your Registration Slip from your My Page.
- After filling of Online Application Form, a My Page will be generated for each and every candidate bearing his / her entire information as filled along with a Unique Application Number which the candidate can use in future correspondence. The My Page will provide Due Steps (should be completed before closing date), Application/Registration Status/Admit Card/Results etc. for the candidate.
How To Fill AIIMS MBBS Application Form 2016 – Explained
The steps given below were followed last year during form filling. New details of how to fill form will be updated in Feb / March 2016.
After opening the website, the next step is Registration. Using the Registration/Login an Applicant can navigate to the desired section of the site. If an Applicant is accessing the website for the first time then register yourself in
Select your course in the Registration/Login section. Click, Go button in the Registration/Login section.
Login Page is shown below, if you are a New Applicant, click on the Proceed button on New Registration Section. This will direct the New Registrant to the Application Form page.
If you have already applied then enter your Application No and Password, which is already sent through SMS and Email at the time of registration and click Login button. Applicant must check his/her E- mail Inbox, Junk mail & Spam) after registration.
GUIDELINES PAGEOn clicking on New Registration the applicant will be directed to the Guidelines page. All applicants are advised to read the guidelines and instructions carefully. Click on the Proceed button once the guidelines and instructions have been read.
APPLICATION FORMAll New Registrants, on clicking the Proceed button will be directed to the following page. The Application Form is to be filled. All starred items are mandatory.
Basic details:
- Course applying for,
- Name of applicant,
- Father’s and Mother’s name,
- Mode of examination,
- Date of birth,
- Category,
- Nationality,
- Language of question paper,
- Domicile.
Centre Choice:
Education Qualification:
Other Details:
You will see the confirmation page on completing registration
Click Here - For AIIMS MBBS Admissions complete Information
Click Here - To Download AIIMS MBBS 2016 Prospectus PDF
Click Here - To Download AIIMS MBBS 2016 Manual PDF
Click Here - To Download AIIMS MBBS 2016 Manual PDF
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